Born: about 1600 Kiddington, Chester, England
Died: 13 Jun 1643 England
Parents: Unknown
Married: Unknown possibly in Malpas, Chester, England
1. RICHARD STOCKTON b. 1620 (see below)
Note: While some claim the Stockton line goes back further through John Stockton m. Eleanor Clayton, and then through Thomas Stockton b. 1500, I have chose not to claim this yet, as haven't done enough research to be convinced.
Born: 1620 in Durham, on the River Tees, England
Died: 25 Sep 1707 in Springfield, Burlington Co. NJ, will proved 10 Oct 1707
Parents: John Stockton -
Married: 1652 in England to Abigail Bloomfield. (Her maiden name may have been Hunt.) She was b. abt 1635 in England, and d. after 14 Apr 1714 in Springfield, Burlington Co NJ, when she conveyed property to her sons Job and John.
1. Job Stockton b. abt 1654, d. bef. Dec 1732 in Springfield. Lived at "Oneaniekon," the family home near Burlington NJ
2. Hannah Stockton b. abt 1658, m. Phillip Phillips
3. Richard Stockton b. 1660 in London Eng, d. Jun 1709 in Princeton, Middlesex Co NJ. M. Susanna Witham 8 Nov 1691 in Chesterfield, Burlington, NJ
4. Mary Stockton b. abt 1662, d. abt 1726, m. 1st: Thomas Shinn 6 Mar 1692. After his death in 15 Nov 1694 she m 2nd: Silas Crispin in 1697. He was b. 1655 in London and d. 31 May 1711.
5. ABIGAIL STOCKTON b. abt 1665 (See below)
6. Sarah Stockton b. abt 1670 in Flushing, Queens Co NY, m.1st: William Venicombe. She m. 2nd: Benjamin Jones 3 Dec 1706
7. John Stockton b. 1674, d. 29 Mar 1747 in Springfield, Burlington Co NJ, m. 1st Mary Leeds abt 1704. She died, and he m. 2nd Ann Ogborn in 1715
8. Elizabeth Stockton b. abt 1683, died aft Mar 1738. She m. William Budd 2 Dec 1703.
I, Richard Stockton, being sick and weak in body but sound of memory, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following:
First, I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almight God and my body to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereby named, in hopes through the merrits of Jesus Christ to obtain a joyfull resurrection.
Item, I give to my son Job my plantation and all the improvements with four hundred ackers of land to him and to his heirs and assignes forever, not to possess it till the decease of my wife; only in consideration of the said improvements my said son Job shall pay to Abigail the daughter of my son (son-in-law) Richard Ridgway the sum of ten pounds within a year after he enjoys the said plantation, and if uppon a survey of the whole twelve hundred ackers there happen to be any overplus, my will is that my son John shall have on third part thereof joyning on his four hundred ackers which I formerly gave him, and the other two thirds to be equally parted between my said sons Richard and Job.
Item, I give to my dear wife Abigail all my personall estate with the use of my plantation during her ife, and after her decease the said personall estate to be equally divided between my five daughters, Abigail, Mary, Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth; and I do make and Constitute my said wife Abigail my sole Executrix of this my last will and testament, revokeing all other wills and testaments heretofore made, as witness my hand and seale this 25th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and five.
Richard Stockton (his mark)
Signed, sealed, published and declared in the presence of us.
William Earle (his mark)
Thomas Ridgeway (his mark)
Daniel Leeds
Burlington, 10th, 8th mo, 1707
Then appeared before Richard Inglesby, Esqr., Lieutenant Governor of her Majesties Provinces of New Jersey, New York, &c. Daniel Leeds, Esqr. one of the witnesses to the within written will, and made his oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that he saw the Testator sign, seal and publish the within instrument to be his last will and testament, and that at the time of the publishing thereof he was of sound and perfect understanding and memory to the best of this deponent's knowledge and beliefe, and that at the same time he saw Thomas Riegeway and Wm. Earle sign the same as witness thereto in the presence of the Testator.
Richard Inglesby
Per: Ancestors of Albert F. Hughes
Ancestors of Charles W. Chambers
both on
Notes for Richard Stockton:
He was the son of John, Lord of Stockton Manor, Malpas Parish, Cheshire England. He may have been born in Malpas Parish, Cheshire, Eng.
1639 He redided at Charleston MA
1652 Probable 2nd m. to Abigail
1660 Move to Burlington Co NJ after converting to the Quaker faith.
1665 Lieut of Flushing Troop of Horse. (Note: I question this one, especially if he was a Quaker)
Abt 1680 Sold the Flushing, Long Island property 1682 He purchased some 7000 acres of land near Princeton and effected the first European settlement made in that part of the Province.
1707 He d. at Oneakiekon, the Stockton homestead, near Burlington, NJ.
Born: abt 1665 in England
Died: 19 Dec 1726 in Springfield, Burlington Co NJ
Parents: Richard Stockton - Abigail Bloomfield (Hunt?)
Married: Richard Ridgeway in Dec 1693 in Evesham, Burlington Co NJ as his 2nd wife. He b. 1654 in Eng, d. 2 Feb 1722/3 Burlington Co NJ.
They had 9 children, we descend through their dau Jane. See the Ridgeway line for children and descendants.
12. Richard Stockton (John , John , Thomas ) was born after 1626 in Malpas Parish, Cheshire, England. He died on 25 Sep 1707 in Springfield, Burlington County, New Jersey.
Richard Stockton, of Flushing, L.I. and afterwards of Oneanickon,Springfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey, was a descendant ofJohn Stockton, Esquire of Coddington, in the Parish of Malpas and theCounty of Chester, England. He arrived in Flushing, from England,sometime prior to November 8, 1656, when his name appears in a petitionrequesting the release of William Wickenden, who had been fined andimprisoned for preaching without a license in Flushing.
Later, in 1665, according to records of "Deeds" in the office of theSecretary of State of New York and certified by Secretary of State of NewYork: "Richard Stockton was commissioned Lieutenant of Horse of Flushing,April 22, 1665."
By 1685, Richard Stockton was one of the Freeholders of Flushing, NYaccording to a deed made in that year. And on January 30th, 1690, hepurchased from George Hutchinson his house and plantation calledOneanickon, in Burlington County, New Jersey, consisting of about 2,000acres, although he did not succeed in selling his property at Flushinguntil March 12, 1694.
Richard Stockton was a member of the Religious Society of the Friends ofTruth (commonly referred to as Quakers) and helped establish the MeetingHouse at Stony Brook (now Princeton) by donating some land to theMeeting.
The Given Name of Richard Stockton's wife was Abigail, but there are norecords of her family name. They were married in England, and theireldest son, Richard Stockton, II, is said to have been born in England aswell*. Richard Stockton died at an advanced age at his home atOneanickon, in September 1707. His will was dated January 25, 1705 (or1706) and was Probated on October 10, 1707. The date of Mrs. Stockton'sdeath is not known, but she was living as late as April 14, 1714 when sheconveyed some property to her sons, John and Job Stockton.
*Richard most likely was not the son of Abigail Stockton if he was bornin England. The date of birth of his oldest brother, John, is 1674--andthe youngest child, Elizabeth, was born in 1680--if his father came toAmerica before 1656 that would mean the second Richard had to be bornbefore that date--or at least by 1654 or 5. It is unlikely that Abigailcould have had Richard in one of those years--and then seven childrentwenty years later. Moreover, the records show that the second Richarddied in 1709--two years after his father--at "an advanced age"--soAbigail is not likely to have been his birth mother.
Richard came to Flushing, Long Island, NY prior to 1656 where his namefirst appears on the records on 8 Nov 1656 on a petition to releaseWilliam Wickendorn for preaching without a license. He was commissioned aLieutentant of the Horse in Flushing on 22 Apr 1665. Another commissionto appoint him Lieutenant of the Foot Company in 1669 was withdrawn byGov. Lovelace when he was informed of his early engagement in the Horseservice. At first he was not of the Friend's faith, but became an ardentQuaker.
In 1765 his estate consisted of 12 acres of land. By Dec 1690 when heproposed to sell his holdings in Flushing, his estate consisted of 70acres at home, two 10 acre lots and two 20 acre lots, and a meadow thatyielded 20 to 25 loads of hay a year. The sell was not complete untilMarch 1694. On 10 Mar 1692 he purchased 2,000 acres from GeorgeHutchinson in the easterly part of Springfield township, Burlington Co,NJ. The plantation was over two miles long by one mile wide and wascalled by it's Indian name An-na-nicken, more often spelledOn-e-on-ick-en. In his will written 25 Jan 1706 and proved 10 Oct 1707,he left 400 acres each to his sons Richard and Job, and divided the restequally between sons Richard, Job and John.
The earlier Stocktons were said to have come from Cuddington, MalpasParish, Cheshire Co, Eng. Some records say both Richards came from a wellrespected family in Stockton, Durham, Eng, located on the River Tees thatserves as the boundary between Durham and North Yorkshire counties. Thetown is now called Stockton-on-Tees. Have found no record of how they orwhy they went from Cheshire county to Durham county, but the family mayhave lived in both locations.
Forbush Family Info
14 years ago
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