Name: Thomas Todd
Captain Thomas Todd of Virginia and Baltimore County was baptized inDenton, England in 1619. He came to Virginia in 1637 and was grantedlands in New Norfolk County for transporting four persons. He patented"Toddsbury" in Gloucester County in 1652 and there he erected a dwellingfor his wife and children. "Toddsbury" was inherited by his oldest sonThomas Todd. The simple but beautifully-proportioned house of "Toddsbury"is still standing and has been restored and furnished with antiques byits present owner. It is sometimes opened to visitors in Garden TourWeek.
Captain Thomas Todd was a shipowner, owning the ships Augustine andVirginia. He had extensive land holdings in Virginia as well as inMaryland.
The name of Captain Thomas Todd of "Toddsbury" appears in Marylandrecords of August 17, 1664, in connection with the purchase of lands onPatapsco River. He described himself as living in Gloucester County,Virginia. In 1669, designating himself a resident of Patapsco River,Captain Thomas Todd purchased North Point, a tract of 300 acres on thenorth side of the Patapsco. This was the site of the famous Battle ofNorth Point, fought on September 12, 1814 between the American andBritish forces in the War of 1812. In June 1669 Captain Thomas Toddpurchased 400 acres of additional lands and in 1670 he received warrantsfor 1200 acres for having transported 24 persons to Maryland. He was aburgess of Baltimore County in 1674 and 1675. The will of Captain ThomasTodd was probated on May 20, 1677. By it he devised to his brotherChristopher Todd of London a tract of land called "Todley" situated inQueen Anne County, Maryland. Through Christopher Todd, the Todds havebeen traced to Denton in Durham County, England.
Captain Thomas Todd married Ann Gorsuch, the daughter of Rev. JohnGorsuch, whose wife Ann was a daughter of Sir William Lovelace, andsister of Richard Lovelace, the poet, and of Colonel Francis Lovelace,Gov. of New York. The Gorsuch-Lovelace ancestry is a distinguished one.Rev. John Gorsuch was a staunch supporter of King Charles I and,according to tradition, he met his death in 1647 when the Puritans causedhim to be smothered in a haystack. The widow Gorsuch then came toVirginia with the children, as her brother, Colonel Francis Lovelace, wasin Virginia at that time.
After the death of Captain Thomas Todd, his widow Ann Gorsuch Toddmarried Captain David Jones, who lived at Cole's Harbor, part of the siteof the city of Baltimore. Ccaptain Jones, who gave his name to JonesFalls, the stream which runs through Baltimore, arising in the GreenSpring Valley, had a dwelling house at what is approximately the cornerof High and Fayette Streets in downtown Baltimore. This tract, originallyCole's Harbor, was later repatented by James Todd, son of Captain ThomasTodd, and called "Todd's Range". It extended from Broadway on the east toHoward Street on the west, the northern boundary being Madison Street andthe southern boundary the Baltimore waterfront. When Baltimore Town wasestablished in 1729 "Todd's Range" was subdivided into building lots.
Captain David Jones died in 1686 and his widow, Ann Gorsuch Todd Jones,then married Captain John Oldton of Garrison Forest. Captain Oldton wascommanding officer of the Baltimore County Rangers at Garrison on theReisterstown Road. One of the properties which he and his wife owned wasDarley Hall, located at what is now Harford Road and North Avenue inBaltimore City, extending northward to Darley Avenue. This tract was soldto John Ensor in 1697.
From First Families of Howard County, Maryland
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