PENSION: Rev. War, William & Elizabeth Rose, Whitley Co.
Submitted by Mary Lou Hudson
William and Elizabeth Rose -- Pension No. W 8554
In Whitley Co., KY 19 Nov 1833, William Rose, resident of Whitley Co.,K Y
on the waters of Cain Creek on the main road leading to Barbourville fr om
Jacksboro, TN and about 22 miles from Barbourville, KY, age 76, made
declaration that he entered service in the Revolutionary War as a volun teer
in Granville, NC where he resided at that time. He began in the spring o f
1790 for a term of 8 months, under Capt. Bartlet Scearcey, Lt Simms and
rendezvoused at Hillsboro, then received the appointment and commission o f
Ensign. They marched to Salisbury, then down the Peedee River, then on t he
road to join Gen. Gates. They were joined by Gen. John Butler. He state s
that when about 7 miles from Camden, they heard of the defeat of Gen. G ates
at that place and retreated back to Hillsboro, then marched in the dire ction
of Wilmington and stationed at Col. Robert Burton's near a small villag e.
They remained there until sometime in November when he was permitted to
return to his family. On 1 Dec 1780, he had a small son born to his wif e
whom they named William. The son now lives within 5 miles of this depon et.
Soon after the birth of his son, he again volunteered under Stephen Mer it,
and Capt. Joseph Langston. This deponent again was Ensign. He was
constantly engaged in scouting the country, disarming the Tories and
marching against them when they collected in numbers. He was at Hillsbo ro
when he heard of Tarlton's defeat at Cow Pens and then by a "Naration"
which was the old soldier name for calling the soldiers, they were all
called to join him and receive protection. A great many did join him. A t
that time Gen. Butler and the militia under him were in the lower end o f
Granville Co. He was with them. After this Cornwallis marched to Guilfo rd,
as he understood. The company to which he belonged was never with the a rmy
of Gen. Greene, but were often within a few days march of him. Later th ey
were ordered to join Washington at Yorktown. Before they got there,
Cornwallis had surrendered and he resigned his commission of Ensign and
returned to his family. He stated that he served nearly 18 months.
He stated that he was born in Granville, NC on Tar River in 1757 and th at
he was living in Granville Co. when he was called into service. Since t he
Revolutionary War, he moved to Pendleton Co., SC., then to Powell's Val ley,
then to Whitley Co., then to Knox Co. where he lived more than 15 years .
William Crowley, Edward Bennett, Thomas Adkins, an old soldier himself, R ev.
Wm. Siler, John Powell and Ann Powell made certifications of their
acquaintance with Wm. Rose and to their belief in his statements.
William Rose of Whitley Co., KY, who was an ensign in the company
commanded by Capt. Learcoy of the regiment, commanded by Col. Burton in t he
NC line for 1 year and 4 months was inscribed on the roll of the KY age ncy
to commence 4 Mar 1831. Certificate of the pension was issued 6 Dec 183 3.
In Whitley Co., KY 18 Aug 1836 before Wm. Siler, J.P. Elizabeth Rose
resident of Clear Fork, age 76, appeared in court and made declaration t hat
she is the widow of Wm. Rose, who was an ensign in the militia during t he
Revolutionary War and that she was married to Wm. Rose on 12 Mar 1774 a nd
that her husband died 12 Feb 1835. They had 4 children other than Willi am,
who was born during the Revolutionary War. She mentioned Hutson and
Christina and stated that William was born 1 Dec after Gates Defeat and t hat
she was married to Wm. Rose in Granville Co. NC by Robert Dickins. They h ad
10 children, the oldest of whom is at this date age 60 and the youngest i s
between 37 and 40 years of age.
John Powell made deposition at the home of Ephraim Rose in Whitley Co.,
KY that he was well acquainted with the above named Elizabeth Rose and h er
husband, Wm. Rose for 45 years.
Ann Powell made deposition at the home of Ephraim Rose in Whitley Co., K Y
that she is the daughter of William and Elizabeth Rose and that she is a bout
57 or 58 years of age and knows the statement above made to be true.
Elizabeth Rose, widow of Wm. Rose was inscribed on the roll of the KY
agency to commence 12 Feb 1835. Certificate of the pension was issued 1 9
Oct 1836 and sent to O.S. Ballinger, Barbourville, KY..
(Transcribed record on file at Library of Michigan, Whitley County,
Kentucky Extracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications, 457 .W6, W 56,
1989 Genealogy, Page 17 & 18)
Forbush Family Info
14 years ago
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