Captain Thomas OSBOURNE [Parents] was born 18 Apr 1542 in Hartlip, Kent, England. He died 12 Oct 1611 in Ashford, Kent, England. Thomas married Elizabeth Wilmeth OSBORN.
Most of what we know of Thomas Osborn of Ashford is contained inhis will, which he made 27 Feb 1606/7, and which was proved 16Oct 1611. In this document, Thomas left 20 shillings to the poorof Ashford, and 10 shillings toward the maintenance of thepreachers, "if they continue preaching at Ashford." He alsobequeathed 10 shillings to Mr. Hawlden, the vicar of Sellinge.To his wife, Marie [Mary], he left 10 pounds and "all suchwearing apparel as I have made for her since our marriage," somehousehold goods, and "all woodwork which I have made since ourintermarriage." To Martha, "my wife's daughter," 20 shillings,and to Anna, "another of my wife's daughters," 5 shillings.Thomas left various goods and 10 pounds to his son Edward, andto Edmand Mellowe, son of Edward Mellowe, 20 shillings towardhis apprenticeship. He also left 10 pounds to Nicholas Osborn'sson Thomas.
"Concerning my customary lands and tenements holden of the manorAshfoorde whereof I have made surrender to the use of my lastwill according to the custom of the said manor, and all my othertenements and lands: to son Edwarde Osborne the copyholdpurchased of John Adams sen. And the copyhold purchased ofWilliam Browne; to Jeremie Osborne my son the copyhold Ipurchased of Daniell Lowes alias Low and Martha his wife; towife Mary during widowhood, the house I late purchased from Mr.Haulden, vicar of Sellindge, with the remainder to JeremieOsborne. Executor and residuary legatee, son Jeremie Osbourne.Overseers, Nicholas Sawkins and John Smarte to receive 12dapiece for their pains. Witnesses: John Walleis, vicar ofAshfoord; Jo: Stedde, John Terrie. Read and acknowledged to bethe will of Thomas Osborne 28 Oct 1608 in the presence of JohnWalleis vicar of Ashfoord Robert Hunt."
Elizabeth Wilmeth OSBORN was born about 1538 in Ashford, Kent, England. She died 8 Feb 1599 in Ashford, Kent, England. Elizabeth married Captain Thomas OSBOURNE.
Forbush Family Info
14 years ago
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