Lord Edmund Howard was the son of Thomas Howard, the Third Duke of England. The
American family traces through Lord Edmund, the third son. He married Joyce
Culpepper. A daughter of the couple was Catherine Howard, one of the ill fated
Queens of Henry VIII, (another was her first cousin Ann Bolyn, daughter of Lady
Elizabeth Howard and Sir Thomas Bolyn. Queen Elizabeth was the dauther of Ann
Bolyn. Catherine Howard was the fifth queen of Henry VIII,born abt 1520,d.13Feb
1542. She was publicly acknowledged as queen soon afterward she privately marr-
ied Henry VIII at Oatlands July 1540. Nov. 1541 she was accused of misconduct
previous to her marriage and thrown into prison. Released in Dec. new evidence
was uncovered, apparently showing that she had betrayed the king even after her
marriage. She was again imprisoned and beheaded in the Tower. Her story has
been dramatized by Alexander Dumas, Eldeer first played Howard in Paris in
1834 and adapted into English by W.D.Suter(in Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays)
and by the German Poet Rudolf Von Gottschall, in Katharine Howard: Many books
has been written about this. Many books has been written about this.
!Source: Encyclopedia Americana, Vol 14, under Catherine Howard.
!See Margaret Howard, #668, to see what happened to her.
!Source: Notable Southern Families, Burke, pages 100-119.
Forbush Family Info
14 years ago
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