[ca1729 - 1768]
Will Dated December 1768
William Rose made his will in December 1768, at age 39, stating that he was "weak in body but of perfect mind and sound memory".
Frederick Rose - 300 ac. on Nap of Reeds Creek and certain stock to be deliver to him at 21 years of age.
William Rose - lower tract of land on the Nap of Reeds Creek by name of Smallwoods place and certain stock to be delivered to him at 21 years of age.
Howell Rose - "all my land and plantation whereon I now live" only his mother is to have use of said plantation for life "and to be totally his at her death".
Sarah Williams - 10 pounds proclamation money to be paid out of estate.
Elizabeth Rose - 40 pounds proclamation money to be paid out of estate at age 21 or marriage.
Winneyfred Rose - Negro and stock to be delivered to her at age 21 or marriage.
Patty Rose - negro and 20 pounds proclamation money to be delivered to her at age 21 or marriage.
Wife, Amy Rose - 2 negroes, tools and furniture. After her death or marriage, property wiled to her to go to son Howell Rose, except working tools, pots and pans to set up sons Frederick and William Rose.
Executors: Amy Rose and brother in law James Langston
Note: Amy Langston Rose was the daughter of John Langston III.
Note: Amy was illiterate. After bearing seven children, her husband died. She remarried and became Amy Drewery [some spell Drury].
William and Amy had the following children:
Sarah Rose
Frederick Rose
Elizabeth Rose
Winifred Rose
William Rose
Patti Rose
Howel H Rose
Note: William Rose was born in 1729 in Surrey Co., Virginia. Due to the formation of new counties, at one time or another this area was part of Brunswick and later Mecklenburg Co. Around 1749 his family moved to Granville Co., North Carolina, and he married Amy Langston, daughter of John Langston, of Granville Co., ca 1750, in Granville Co.
He was a planter, and probably grew tobacco. He and Amy had seven children. Among the property he left his children were four slaves.
In 1752 was listed as head of his own household. 1754 he bought 320 acres in Granville Co. from his father, Thomas Rose, for 5 pounds. This land, on the south side of the Tarr River, was part of a larger tract granted to Thomas by John, Earl of Granville in 1753. [Granville Co. deed book B p.363]
This land must have extended to the county line next to the present Mecklenburg Co in VA as there is description of the land in a deed in Lunenburg Co in which it is stated that Thomas Addaman and wife conveyed to Henry Wilson 174 acres adjoining William Rose on the county (Granville) line. [6 Dec 1757]
He is listed among those who fought with Co. Eaton's Granville County Regiment in 1754, along with William Washington, Joseph Langston, Ephraim Merritt and others associated with the Rose family.
Henry McCulloh conveyed to William Rose of Granville county in the Province of North Carolina, planter -- cons. 27 pounds VA money - 300 acres being part of Tract No. 12. This began at a pine on the boundary line , crossed Kemp Creek in all 200 poles, to a hickory, thence crossing Kemp Creek and Nap of Reeds Creek. 4 July 1763 [Granville Deed Book H, p.70]
John Ross, planter, Granville County, NC, conveyed to William Rose of the said county and province aforesaid - cons. 34 pounds VA money, 200 acres on the branches of News (Neuse) River. [3 May 1766, Recorded Aug 1766 Deed book H p. 69]
Forbush Family Info
14 years ago
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