appears to be the ancestor of all the KY and TN Hinds.
1770 will was probated in 8/1771 in Guilford Co, NC
source: Shelly Lear
Hinds Family in Tennessee
Four names in the list of North Carolina delegates are underscored to call the reader's attention to common names of early settlers in Union County, Tennessee. Although the first three, WILLIAM SHARP, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, and (JOHN) HENRY RICE, are associated with early families in East Tennessee, no reference ,so far has listed them among the delegates to the constitutional convention held at Halifax, North Carolina on November 12, 1776. This matter should be pursued by the Sharp, Williams and Rice descendants. Meanwhile, the history of JOSEPH HINDS is being pursued by this compiler.
Joseph Hinds was probably the son of James Hinds of Elizabeth Township, Essex County, New Jersey. An abstract of James Hind's will is recorded in the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Vol. XXX, Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Vol, II (1730-1750), edited by Van Doren Honeyman, published by the Unionist Gazette Association in Somerville, New Jersey (1918).
The will dated September 26, 1731 reads: James Hinds of Elizabeth Town, Essex County Yoeman; Daughters, Mary and Debora, large silver tankard marked IDA upon lid. Daughter Elizabeth four silver spoons marked IAH. Daughter Patience silver tumblers with French crown on the bottom and marked IDH at eighteen years. Daughter Sarah three silver spoons marked IAH at eighteen years. Sons--James, John and Joseph. Land adjoining lands of Thomas Clark, which I purchased from Ephriam Clark, lands purchased of Ebenezer Lyon, Deborah Moris, Richard Higens, and Edward Spining; land joining land of Samuel Marsh, purchased of Will Oliver. No lands to be sold until sons come to 26 years. Son John my great Bible. Executors: son James, and friends John Spining and Ebenezer Johnson. Witness: James Huindoy, Abraham Clark, Joseph Clark. Will proved October 26, 1731.
One reference in the Mcclung Historical Collection in Knoxville lists James Hinds as the son of James Hinds (wife Ruth) the immigrant in Salem, Massachusetts, was married in 1730." James moved to North Carolina before the Revolutionary War from Morris County, New Jersey. Twenty-four Hundred Tennessee Pensioners, Revolutionary War and War of 1812, compiled by Zella Armstrong, lists a James Hinds 1818 age 96; also in 1840 census; served in Virginia Line; drew pension in Grainger County, Tennessee. James Hind's children were John Hinds born on June 9, 1745; died in Tennessee (Knox or Roane Co) in 1810. He resided on Beaver Creek in Knox County. During the Revolutionary War he held the rank of captain and served as adjutant to Col. James Martin from Randolph County, North Carolina in 1779. Their children included Sylvanus, Levi, John, Simeon, Susannah, Asa, Abigail, Moses, Louisa, and Keziah. Other children of James Hinds were Chanetto born on November 16, 1731; Hannah born on June 2, 1734; Joseph born on June 17, 1735; Simeon (Revolutionary War soldier) born on March 15, 1742, Levi born on August 25, 1742; and Mary born on February 6, 1748.
It is generally agreed by the Hinds descendants that Joseph Hinds was born in England on June 17, 1735. The date of his arrival in this country is not known. He married Hulda Grider who was born in Wayne County, Kentucky. The Kentucky area was claimed by Virginia as part of Augusta County in 1584 and was designated Kentucky County, Virginia in 1776. Kentucky became a state in 1792 and Wayne County was established in 1800. Joseph and Hulda's children were Joseph, Hannah, Charity, Mary, Samuel, Phebe, Levi, Simeon, Ruth, Sarah, and Abigail.
Joseph Hinds was a delegate representing Guilford County, North Carolina at the Halifax Convention and was appointed a justice of the peace on December 22, 1776. The State Records of North Carolina, (1779-1780) Volume 15, page 5, lists Joseph Hinds with John Mask, John Mask Jr., William Thomas, William Mask, Walter Leake, William Gaines, and John Courtney as receiving protection from the army as a result of their efforts in procuring supplies for the army of General Richard Caswell. Joseph Hinds held office until tending his resignation on Tuesday, December 27, 1785. Although Joseph Hinds was not mustered into the Continental Army, his descendants qualify for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Sons of the Revolution (SOR) based on his activities in the struggle for American independence.
North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee, (1778-1791), Eastern District, compiled by Goldene Fillers Burgner, lists Joseph Hinds as receiving Land Grant No. 2733 for 400 acres of land on Bull Run, and Land Grant No. 2734 for 500 acres of land on Bull Run in 1788. In the same volume in Middle Tennessee, Joseph Hinds received Land Grant No.2895 for 5,000 on both sides of Duck River. These grants were awarded before many of the present day East Tennessee counties were created and included Davidson, Green, Hawkins, Sullivan, Sumner, Tennessee, and Washington established in the Eastern, Middle and Western districts of the state.
In 1790, Joseph Hinds moved to Knox County, Tennessee (established in 1792) where he was active in patriotic struggles against the Indians and Tories. The first reference discovered regarding his death was listed as July 2, 1804 in Knox County. Two other references recorded in applications for membership in the DAR list the date of death in 1812 and 1814 respectfully. The exact date is not known; however, a copy of his will dated March 19, 1812, was recorded in Will Book A, page 19, in Wayne County, Kentucky and is part of this compilation. See the Joseph Hinds Will
William Henderson Thomas, one time superintendent of Union County schools and historian, pointed out in his notes that the name of the first person buried in Lost Creek Cemetery has been lost. We are told," he said, "that the first grave was that of an old veteran, a compatriot of Henry Rice, who died while visiting in the Rice home and was buried on the Rice farm." Thomas went on to write: "Henry Rice died in 1818 at the age of 101, the second to be buried there. James Rice, son of Henry, then set aside four acres to be used in perpetuity as a burial ground and for religious and educational purposes." It is believed by this compiler that Rice's visitor was Joseph Hinds whom Henry Rice had known during the Colonial struggle for independence. During this period Joseph Hinds made his home in Wayne County, Kentucky.
Joseph Hinds son, Levi Hinds, was born in Guilford County on December 8, 1771. He married Hulda Bryum born in Guilford County (December 8, 1771; died in Madison County, Alabama July 25, 1868) in Tennessee around 1787.
Levi Hinds preceded his father to Tennessee and was one of the early settlers at Sharp's Fort established on the Clinch River by Henry Sharp, his sons John, William and Daniel in 1883-1886. Hinds shared living quarters with other migrants from North Carolina and Virginia named Graves, Gibbs, Albright, Tillman, Foust, Loy, and Keck.
The North Carolina land grants mentioned earlier record Levi Hind's grant No. 2735 for 200 acres "on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek" in 1788. Before the grant was claimed; however, many hardship were encountered by the Sharp's Fort settlers. On the north slope of Big Ridge State Park near Norris Lake is a bronze plaque designating the site of Sharp's Fort. Close by is a cemetery that reflects the adversity encountered by the early pioneers.
Levi Hinds and his family left Tennessee and by 1808 had migrated to Alabama where he lived until his death in Madison County on September 11, 1842. Levi did not leave a will; however, the administrative settlement was presented to the Madison County Court by a son Levi Hinds on September 12, 1844 and recorded in Minute Book No. 10, page 18, and later entered in the Orphan's Book M, page 279 on May 7, 1846.
Although no Hinds were listed as members of the Hinds Creek Baptist Church organized in Anderson County (now Union) in 1806, the family name distinguishes a number of early landmarks in Union County today: Hinds Ridge, Hinds Valley, Hinds Creek and a new church organized as Warwick's Chapel in 1949 under the leadership of Rev. Johnny Jones, was later changed to Hinds Creek Missionary Church on April 20, 1952.
The Byrum family may also have been at Sharp's Fort during the early settlement of East Tennessee. The North Carolina land grants recorded in the Eastern District of Tennessee in 1788, lists Ebenezer Bryum's Land Grant No. 2739 for 400 hundred acres of Beaver Dam Creek including a large spring; Land Grant No. 2741 for 400 hundred acres of land on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek and Land Grant No. 2742 for 400 hundred acres of land on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek in Knox County, Tennessee. Levi Hind's wife, Hulda, may have been the daughter of Ebenezer Byrum. Early East Tennessee Taxpayers, compiled by Pollyanna Creekmore, notes that Ebenezer Byrum Sr and Ebenezer Jr., progenitors of a family which settled first in Greene County while it was part of Washington County were among the first settlers on Beaver Creek.
For more information on this article or any article or publication of the Union County Historical Society please write them at:
Union County Historical Society
P.O. Box 95
Maynardville, TN 37807
Joseph Hinds B. abt.1705 and married Rutha ------abt1730. They lived in New Hanover twp,Hunterdon(now Mendham twp.,Morris) co.,New Jersey. as early as Dec.6,1732 when he was surety for the administration of Robert Crossman's estate: on Dec.11,,1732.he and Samuel Crossman were sureties for the administration of Stephen Leonard's estate. On April 18,1749,he was an appraiser for Joseph Crossmans estate.on oct.30,1742 he appraised the estate of Timothy Peneton in Mendham TWP.June 19,1750 he was executor of Stephen Thompsons estate in Morris co.,and on Dec.11,1751,he declines to serve as executor of Jacob Bescherer in Roxbury. In 1752 he was listed as a freeholder of Mendham twp. and in 1753 he apprenticed his son John to Robert Carlile of Roxbuty.Dec.21,1756 he received a commission as one of the county justices of the peace. After the death of his 1st wife he married Mrs. Susannah_______.
Hinds moved to North Carolina by 1761 and on march 5,1763, he bought 250 acres on the waters of the southeast fork of Polecat Creek in Rowan(later Guilford and now Randolph)county,North Carolina, from Zachariah Cox for L42; in 1770 he sold 30 acres to his son Simeon for L5. He made his will on April 14,1772,leaving his property to his widow until her death or remarriage,after which it would be divided among his 3 youngest sons; his son Joseph received 5 shillings. The estate was probated in August 1772; his children by his 1st wife were, Charity, Hannah,Joseph,Simeon,Levi,John and Mary.
source: lovena norton
Every thing in this file has not been verified, so be sure you verify it and not take it for the gospel, but rather as a starting point.
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